Thorough Examination: the interactive guides
Telehandler Guide
Beware: not every Examination is truly "Thorough". CFTS is a national standard guaranteed to fulfil your obligations under LOLER 98 and PUWER 98.
Some so-called "Thorough" Examinations only cover a fork truck's lifting mechanism, doing the minimum to meet LOLER 98 (in blue, below); but you also have a duty under PUWER 98 to ensure equipment is safe to use - and that requires a much more detailed examination (also including the items in red). A CFTS Thorough Examination is certain to cover both parts.
Hover your mouse over any section of the truck below to see which regulation covers that particular section of the vehicle. For example, would you want to use a truck that hadn't had its brakes checked?
A truly Thorough Examination should include all the following:

Fork arms are subject to constant abrasion and stress, making them particularly vulnerable. They must be of the correct capacity, meet ISO 5057 for wear, and must not be cracked, deformed or damaged. Fork location and end stops are also checked.
Attachment / Side-Shift (If Present)
Any attachment must operate smoothly and safely throughout the full range of movement. It should be mounted securely, and free from damage, distortion and cracks.
NB: attachments, side shift, frame levelling or stabilisers that are permanently fitted are included in a truck's usual Thorough Examination schedule. Ones that can be removed must have a full examination at least twice a year. For clarification, please ask your CFTS-accredited examiner.
Fork Carriage
Tool carriage must be checked for correct latching and locking system operation. Pins and bushes for the tilt linkage must also be checked. The load guard (if present) must be securely mounted. Otherwise, it may not only cause falling loads, but become a hazard in its own right.
Fork Carriage
Tool carriage must be checked for correct latching and locking system operation. Pins and bushes for the tilt linkage must also be checked. The load guard (if present) must be securely mounted. Otherwise, it may not only cause falling loads, but become a hazard in its own right.
The boom must be inspected throughout its full range of extension and movement to ensure smooth, safe operation and structural integrity. Boom wear pad clearance must also be checked.
Chains (If Present)
Boom telescopic chains must be checked carefully, as per manufacturer's specifications.
Hydraulic Functions
To enable safe operation, all hydraulic functions – including frame levelling and stabilisers – must move in even, controlled ways. These must also be checked for damage and scoring, which can indicate more serious issues.
As well as the controls themselves, which must all be fully functional, securely mounted and clearly marked, all linkages and cables must be inspected to prevent potential failure through damage, corrosion or wear.
Load Charts
Load charts are critical to the safe operation of any variable reach truck and must be checked. Charts, including those for attachments, must be clear and attached securely.
Hydraulic Systems
The hydraulic check is a major task, covering all hoses, pipes, cylinders and reservoir, along with a prolonged load test to rule out unacceptable descent. Filters are also inspected, for any signs of debris.
Rating Plate
Clear rating information is absolutely critical to the safe operation of any fork lift truck. The plate must be clear and securely attached.
Structural Fastenings
Important structural fastening components, such as those holding axles, fluid reservoirs and battery, must be secure and undamaged.
*may not be checked in a non-CFTS examination*
Visibility Aids (If Present)
Visibility aids, such as mirrors or cameras, should be clean and undamaged. Any cameras must also function correctly.
*may not be checked in a non-CFTS examination*
Safety Systems
Safety systems can only protect workers if they operate correctly. Moreover, because operators come to depend on them, any failure can instantly cause serious unsafe practices. Calibration and operation of Longitudinal Load Moment Indicator System (LLMI) must be checked. Any audible alarms and visible warnings are checked, along with interlocks and seat switches if present. Capacity and data plates must also be present, secure and easy to read.
*may not be checked in a non-CFTS examination*
To ensure the truck can be operated safety, all mechanical and hydraulic steering parts are inspected for signs of failure, corrosion, damage or excessive wear. Steering is checked in all modes and configurations. In addition, steering alignment system is also inspected.
*may not be checked in a non-CFTS examination*
As well as compromising protection from falling loads and the risk of rollovers, damage to the falling object protection system (FOPS) and roll over protection system (ROPS) can be a clue to potential lethal structural problems. Cabs must therefore be sound and securely mounted. Any transparent screens must be clear and undamaged to ensure optimum visibility
*may not be checked in a non-CFTS examination*
Seat Mounting
The seat mounting must be absolutely secure, along with the seat base. Any anti-vibration mechanism is also checked for signs of damage.
*may not be checked in a non-CFTS examination*
Seat Restraint
Any operator restraint – including seat belts and any other devices designed to keep the operator safely seated in the event of a tipping accident – is checked to ensure it is fully functional and free from damage.
*may not be checked in a non-CFTS examination*
Traction System
The prime mover and transmission are inspected. As well as the engine, the exhaust is also checked.
*may not be checked in a non-CFTS examination*
The chassis is inspected for cracking and signs of damage, with particular attention paid to the welds.
*may not be checked in a non-CFTS examination*
Often a cast iron block, the counterweight suddenly coming loose can be catastrophic – both to truck stability and as a hazard in its own right. All fastenings must therefore be safe, secure and undamaged.
*may not be checked in a non-CFTS examination*
Because of the forces involved, wheel failure not only causes accidents, but can be a fatal hazard in its own right. CFTS Thorough Examination ensures wheels and assemblies are sound and securely fixed. Bearings are given special attention.
*may not be checked in a non-CFTS examination*
Tyres are essential for safe and efficient operation. They provide grip for movement and braking and an element of suspension for safety and comfort. CFTS Thorough Examinations are guaranteed to check the tyres are correctly specified and fitted, and free from excessive wear or damage. In addition, pressures are checked.
*may not be checked in a non-CFTS examination*
Brake failure is a fork lift truck operator's worst nightmare, but brakes are left unchecked in many inspections. A CFTS examination covers brakes – checking all hydraulics, pneumatics, mountings, pedals, levers and linkages to ensure the brakes operate exactly as expected.
*may not be checked in a non-CFTS examination*
Read more about CFTS here.